Tag Archive for: florida divorce

Simplifying Divorce for High Net Worth Individuals: Working With Your CPA or Financial Advisor

The Challenge of Divorce for High Net Worth Individuals

Navigating a divorce is never easy, and for high net worth individuals, the process can feel even more overwhelming. Between managing the complexities of Florida Family Law Rule of Procedure 12.285—commonly known as mandatory disclosure—and safeguarding your financial future, it’s natural to want to simplify the experience and delegate much of the work. That’s where a skilled family law attorney can be invaluable. By working closely with your CPA or financial advisor, we can streamline the disclosure process and minimize the demands on your time and energy.

Understanding Mandatory Disclosure

Mandatory disclosure requires each party in a divorce to provide detailed financial documentation. For high net worth individuals, this often includes extensive information about investments, business interests, real estate holdings, and more. The sheer volume of documentation can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. If you already have a trusted CPA or financial advisor, they are likely familiar with much of your financial landscape. Our team can work directly with them to gather and organize the required information, so you don’t have to get bogged down in the details.

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8 Tips For Co-Parenting After a Hurricane

Co-parenting during a divorce is challenging under normal circumstances, and dealing with the aftermath of a devastating hurricane adds another layer of difficulty. Here are some practical tips to navigate this situation effectively.  As a preview, many of these tips can be best accomplished within a Collaborative Divorce.

1. Prioritize the Children’s Well-Being

Keep routines as consistent as possible, such as school, meals, and bedtime, to provide stability.  Be honest with your children in an age-appropriate way about what’s happening but reassure them they are safe and loved.  Avoid speaking negatively about the other parent in front of the children.

2. Communicate Effectively

Use clear, respectful, and focused communication to coordinate on parenting issues.  Consider using co-parenting apps like OurFamilyWizard or TalkingParents to document agreements and streamline communication if direct interaction is too challenging.

3. Develop a Flexible Parenting Plan

A hurricane might have disrupted your previous arrangements, so work together to create a temporary plan that accounts for housing, transportation, and other logistical challenges.  Be prepared to adjust custody schedules based on access to safe housing and resources.

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How Are Medical School Student Loans Handled In a Florida Divorce?

When you’re facing a divorce in Florida, one of the complex financial issues you might encounter is how to handle student loans, particularly medical school student loans. These debts can be substantial, often amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it’s natural to wonder how they will be treated during the divorce process. Understanding your options and rights is crucial, especially if you and your spouse are seeking a Collaborative Divorce, which focuses on finding amicable solutions privately rather than through a public divorce court battle.

Understanding Marital vs. Non-Marital Debt – Med School Loans

In Florida, the law distinguishes between marital and non-marital assets and debts. Marital debts are those incurred during the marriage, regardless of whose name they are in or who incurred them. Non-marital debts, on the other hand, are typically those incurred before the marriage or after the date of separation.

If you took out medical school loans before you were married, these debts are generally considered non-marital, meaning you would be solely responsible for them. However, if you took out the loans during the marriage, things get a bit more complicated.

Medical School Student Loans as Marital Debt

If your medical school student loans were taken out during your marriage, they will be considered marital debt. This means that both you and your spouse could be responsible for repaying them, even if it was taken out in only one spouse’s name.  If some student loans were taken out prior to the marriage and other medical school debt was taken out during the marriage, then some loans will likely be considered non-marital and other med school loans will be considered marital. In a traditional divorce, this could lead to a lengthy and contentious battle, especially if the loans are significant.  More commonly, especially in a Collaborative Divorce, only one spouse ends up taking responsibility for paying off the marital portion of the loans, while they also typically get something in return to offset the debt.  Alternatively, the other spouse may take on a different set of debts as an offset.

In a Collaborative Divorce, you and your spouse have the opportunity to work together to find a fair and equitable solution. The Collaborative Process encourages open communication and cooperation, allowing both of you to express your concerns and preferences.

At the end of the day, a court will likely order, and most divorcing spouses agree on, an equal distribution of your family’s marital net worth.  So, for example, if your family has a total of $3 million in marital assets and $1 million in marital debts, equaling a net marital estate of $2 million, then likely each of you will end up with around a net worth of $1 million from the marital estate (though most people agree to an equal distribution of your marital assets/debts, you can also agree to an unequal distribution if it makes sense for your family or as an alternative to alimony).  For this reason, when determining how you are going to split your assets and debts, it is important to look at not just one debt, like medical school student loans, but at your family’s full financial picture.

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Cordover Presents on Collaborative Mediation for International Academy of Collaborative Professionals

On July 17, 2024 at 1:00 pm Eastern Time, Family Diplomacy managing attorney Adam B. Cordover will co-present a webinar on “Collaborative Mediation: Engaging Mediators in the Collaborative Process.”  The presentation is for the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals and sponsored by OurFamilyWizard.

Adam’s co-presenters are Heather McArthur, co-founder and president of Collaborative Professionals of Central Florida and a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator, and Keith Grossman, a Florida Supreme Court Approved Primary Family Mediation Trainer and president of the Southwest Florida Collaborative Professionals Association.

Adam’s Philosophy on Collaborative Divorce

Adam’s philosophy is that almost anybody going through divorce can benefit from a Collaborative Divorce, but that we professionals need to have as many tools as possible to help as many families as possible.  Rather than try to force a family into a particular model of Collaborative Practice, we should shape a model to meet that family’s needs.  Many Collaborative Lawyers have heard of models such as One-Coach/Neutral Facilitator, Two Coach, or Lawyer-Only.  This presentation will discuss a different model: Collaborative Mediation.

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Paralegal Divorce Mediation in Florida

Beginning in August 2024, Family Diplomacy will offer paralegal divorce mediation with our executive paralegal, Jennifer Gunnin.

Going through a divorce can be tough. You may feel sad, angry, and stressed. But there’s a way to make it easier. Jennifer, who has worked closely with divorcing clients at Family Diplomacy: A Collaborative Law Firm since 2013, can help.  If you are in Florida, here is why you may want to consider working with Jennifer in a paralegal divorce mediation.

Paralegal Divorce Mediation

First, Jennifer is a trained professional who has over a decade experience working with divorcing clients. She has seen some things. Like all mediators, she cannot give legal advice, but she can explain things in a simple way so you can understand and choose what common elements you want in your parenting plan and marital settlement agreement. One of her goals is to ensure that you don’t feel lost or confused about what’s happening.

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Collaborative Jewish Divorce

In these uncertain times, if you are Jewish and considering divorce, you may wonder where you can safely turn.  I have watched in horror at the chants of “Jews will not replace us” in Charlottesville in 2017, the massacres of Israeli civilians on October 7th, and the more recent intimidation of Jewish students on campuses across the U.S.  I have personally experienced people telling antisemitic jokes to me, apparently not realizing that I was Jewish.   If, with this as a backdrop, you are facing the upheaval of divorce, let us help you and your family through a Collaborative Jewish Divorce.

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Create Your Own Path with Collaborative Divorce

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re either going through a divorce or know someone who is. And let’s face it, divorce isn’t exactly a walk in the park. But what if I told you that in Florida there’s a way to navigate this challenging time while still preserving your self-determination and sanity? Enter: Collaborative Divorce.

Picture this: instead of duking it out in a courtroom with lawyers battling it out, Collaborative Divorce brings everyone to the table – you, your soon-to-be ex, and a team of professionals (including separate attorneys to provide each of you with independent legal advice) dedicated to finding solutions that work for everyone involved. Sounds pretty good, right? Here’s why it’s worth considering:

Collaborative Divorce Puts You in the Driver’s Seat

One of the biggest perks of Collaborative Divorce is that it empowers you to take control of your own future. Instead of leaving decisions about your life in the hands of a judge, you and your soon-to-be ex get to work together to find solutions that meet both of your needs. From dividing assets to co-parenting agreements, you have a say in it all.

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Child Support in Florida

Child support in Florida is the financial obligation aimed to provide a fair and consistent means of sharing the costs of raising a child between separated parents. There’s a Collaborative Law process that offers an alternative way to address child support matters. This approach emphasizes cooperation, open communication, and prioritizing your child’s well-being. In this post, we’ll take you through the fundamentals of child support in Florida and the benefits of pursuing child support solutions through the Collaborative Process.


In Florida, you’ll find child support guidelines laid out in Florida Statutes §61.30. You’ll notice that the calculation takes into account key factors like your income and your partner’s income, the number of children involved, and the time each of you spends with them. It’s essential to understand that the state utilizes a specific formula incorporating these elements to calculate the exact amount of child support owed.  Though you may deviate from these calculations under certain circumstances, the child support guidelines determine the default amount you can expect to pay or be paid.


Remember, both your incomes play a pivotal role in calculating child support. It’s worth noting that not all types of income are straightforward (for example, income from a private business). Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that if either of you is voluntarily unemployed or not fully utilizing your earning capacity, income may be attributed to you based on your potential earning capacity.

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Can I Get A Discount For Virtual Divorce Legal Services?

If you are facing divorce and have done your research, you probably realize how expensive divorce can be.  Not only are you charged for your attorney’s time spent engaging in the actual legal work, but it is also common practice for you to be charged for travel time to go to hearings, mediation sessions, or Collaborative Divorce meetings at the lawyer’s regular hourly rate.  Further, firms that practice mainly in person incur additional expenses including leasing larger office space, renting additional equipment, and purchasing additional office snacks, drinks, and supplies.  And, of course, those expenses get passed on to you, the client.

But what if you were comfortable working with your lawyer through Zoom, telephone calls, e-mails, and other virtual means, and you did not feel the need to meet in person?  Since it ends up costing less for the law firm, shouldn’t you get a discount for virtual divorce legal services?

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How to Smartly Negotiate Your Divorce

Divorce is undoubtedly one of life’s most challenging experiences, requiring emotional resilience and practical decision-making. When navigating the complex terrain of divorce negotiations, a strategic and smart approach can make all the difference. In this blog post, we’ll explore three key principles to help you smartly negotiate your divorce and pave the way for a more amicable and satisfactory resolution.

Focus on the Big Things, Not the Small Things

It’s easy to get caught up in the minutiae of divorce proceedings, arguing over every detail from who gets the newly purchased air fryer to who keeps the television. However, a smart negotiator knows the importance of focusing on the big picture. Prioritize the key issues that will significantly impact your post-divorce life, and don’t sweat the small stuff.

Consider the division of larger assets, child support, alimony, and child custody as primary areas of focus. By concentrating on these critical aspects, you’ll streamline the negotiation process and avoid unnecessary emotional turmoil over trivial matters. Remember that keeping your eye on the big picture is key, and being willing to let go of smaller items can lead to a more expedient and less emotionally taxing divorce.

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