Tag Archive for: Online Mediation

Paralegal Divorce Mediation in Florida

Beginning in August 2024, Family Diplomacy will offer paralegal divorce mediation with our executive paralegal, Jennifer Gunnin.

Going through a divorce can be tough. You may feel sad, angry, and stressed. But there’s a way to make it easier. Jennifer, who has worked closely with divorcing clients at Family Diplomacy: A Collaborative Law Firm since 2013, can help.  If you are in Florida, here is why you may want to consider working with Jennifer in a paralegal divorce mediation.

Paralegal Divorce Mediation

First, Jennifer is a trained professional who has over a decade experience working with divorcing clients. She has seen some things. Like all mediators, she cannot give legal advice, but she can explain things in a simple way so you can understand and choose what common elements you want in your parenting plan and marital settlement agreement. One of her goals is to ensure that you don’t feel lost or confused about what’s happening.

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Online Divorce Mediation in Florida

Are you heading towards divorce during the coronavirus pandemic?  Are you social distancing and not wanting to risk infection by meeting for negotiations in person?  Would you prefer to proceed with divorce without getting lawyers involved?  Then Online Divorce Mediation may be the best option for you.

The Basics of Divorce Mediation

In Divorce Mediation, whether virtual or in person, you and your spouse together hire a neutral mediator.  As the mediator, I cannot make any orders or force you into an agreement.  Rather, I help facilitate an agreement between you and your spouse.  I can use my general experience and knowledge of the law to provide you with information and help you develop options, though (because I am not acting in the role of a lawyer) I cannot provide legal advice.

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Tips for Divorcing During Coronavirus

These are not normal times, and coronavirus is changing every aspect of life from working, to shopping, to interacting with family.  Divorce is not immune to these changes, and the way you approach divorce must, by necessity, be different.

Here are tips on divorcing during coronavirus.

Take a Breath

Divorce is difficult enough in the best of times.  During coronavirus, you are likely facing two traumas at once:  the end of a relationship with someone you thought you would be with forever, and the upending of your life and inability to go out and be with friends who would otherwise console you.  You or your spouse may begin doing things or saying things that seem completely out of character.

Take a breath.  A deep breath.  Try to center yourself.  This is especially important if you have children who are looking to you to be their rock.  They, too, are probably frightened, and need you to be stable for them when there is much instability around them.

And even if you do not have children, it is important that you make wise decisions now.  After all, these decisions will likely affect the rest of your life.  And you may find that these decisions may be easier if you just stop and take a deep breath first.

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