Video: FACP is Diversity

At the 2022 conference of the Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals (“FACP”), I had the honor of participating in the filming of a short video showcasing FACP’s commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility.

Per its website, FACP is

Florida’s statewide organization of lawyers, financial, and mental health professionals whose mission is to guide families to peaceful divorce using the Collaborative Divorce Process.

Our vision is to create a culture in which the Collaborative Process is the prevailing method for the resolution of disputes beginning with family law and evolving into all other areas of law.

You can find the video, and a transcript, about the FACP, Collaborative Divorce, and diversity below.

Below is a transcript of the video (slightly edited for clarity from a youtube autotranscript):

FACP is Diversity

Collaborative Divorce is about people with diverse backgrounds, geography, different walks of life.
To be successful, we have to be about diversity to serve the people that come to us.
I’m a Black American.
I’m a Mom.
I am Puerto Rican.
I’m an Indian American woman.
I’m Colombian-American.
And I am of Israeli and South African descent.
I am originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil.
I am an African-American father of two.
I am Hispanic.
I am Legally Blind.
I am Jewish.
I am Mexican-American.
I am an African-American cisgendered woman
And I am Biracial.

How is the Collaborative Process Different?

The Collaborative Process is a way for families to peacefully, respectfully, and privately resolve their differences.
The Collaborative Process is flexible, and families are unique and they need flexibility.
The Collaborative Process is family-oriented and peaceful.
The Collaborative Process is goal-oriented.
The Collaborative Process is humane.
It’s creative.
It’s sustainable.
It’s efficient and innovative and customizable.
It preserves relationships that are useful to you as you move forward in your different paths.
The Collaborative Process appeals to me because it’s a peaceful process, and I’m a natural peacemaker.
Because it is innovative and based on teamwork.
Because it’s faster than court.
It’s flexible.
Because it provides a better outcome.
Because of its holistic approach.
It’s more humanistic.
It’s child-centered.
It allows spouses to grow through their divorce instead of just going through it.
I can get the same or better results than I can get in litigation for my clients at a fraction of the cost.

Why Does the Collaborative Process Appeal to Clients?

The Collaborative Process appeals to my clients because it provides a safety net in comparison to the traditional litigation process.
They want to resolve their differences privately, respectfully, and outside of court.
The Collaborative Process appeals to my clients because most people are looking just to move forward with their lives.
It is forward looking and helps them solve the actual problems that they have.
Because it allows them an outcome that’s better suited to maintaining their family and saving their children.
Because it’s in line with their values, who they are, and how they treated each other at the start of the relationship.
Because even though the marriage is over, the family can still work together.
Because it is all-inclusive.
It’s confidential and safe.
Because it allows them to be the masters of their own destinies.
It integrates healing as they’re going through divorce.


FACP is equitable, diverse, inclusive, and accessible.
We are diverse.
We are inclusive.
I am FACP.
I am FACP.
I am FACP.
I am FACP.
I am FACP.
We are FACP.
For interested professionals, the next FACP conference will take place June 8-10, 2023, in Orlando, Florida.  Information can be found at the following link:
Additionally, the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (“IACP”) will be holding its next conference October 19-22 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  Information can be found at the following link:
You can schedule a time to speak with a Collaborative Lawyer and learn how Collaborative Practice can help you by clicking the button below.

Adam B. Cordover is co-editor and co-author of an American Bar Association book on “Building A Successful Collaborative Family Law Practice,” and he is a recipient of the FACP’s Inaugural Visionary award for his work establishing and instructing the first FACP Leadership Institute.  Adam is also on the Board of the IACP, and he represents clients throughout the State of Florida.