Collaborative Divorce May Not Be Right For You
Collaborative Divorce is a form of private dispute resolution where you and your spouse agree to use your attorneys solely for the purpose of reaching an out-of-court agreement. Collaborative Divorce is not for everyone. Though Collaborative Divorce has worked for thousands of families around the world, it may not be the right process for you.
This article explores whether Collaborative Divorce may not be right for you.
You want your “Day in Court”
You may want your “Day in Court.” You may feel that, if only you could get in front of a judge, he or she would, of course, see the heroism innate in your positions and the dastardly deeds committed by your spouse.
What most litigants do not realize is that it can take months, or even years, to get in front of a judge to make final decisions regarding your divorce. And that time in front of a judge can be quite limited, meaning you will only be able to tell the judge a small part of your marital story. And it is up to the judge to determine which parts are relevant. Last year, I created the following video to demonstrate this dilemma:
In Collaborative Divorce, judges do not decide outcomes. You and your spouse decide outcomes. The only time you go in front of a judge is when you and your spouse have already reached an agreement.
So, if you want your “Day in Court,” Collaborative Divorce may not be right for you.