Best Way to Divorce in Tampa Bay
Let’s face it. Divorce is a very trying process. The person to whom you said “I do” now says “I won’t,” and your life is turned upside down. But you don’t need to make the experience more traumatic by going through a nasty court-based divorce.
It is becoming the opinion of more attorneys and mental health professionals that the best way to go through divorce is via the collaborative process. Collaborative divorce is a private way of resolving disputes. Each spouse hires their own attorney who commits to treating both spouses with respect and dignity. The husband’s attorney advises the husband, and the wife’s attorney advises the wife, but they try to develop options that restructures the family in the least destructive manner possible. Further, the attorneys are contractually barred from bringing contested issues in front of a judge, so they will not be conducting opposition research or take other tactics which tend to tear families apart.