Radio: Can Therapy Save A Marriage?

I recently attended the 16th Annual Forum of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, and I had the opportunity to attend a workshop led by Gary Direnfeld, a social worker and collaborative professional in Ontario, Canada.  He was an excellent speaker and was discussing cutting edge ideas on helping families.

Gary was recently on a radio program to discuss an age-old question: Can therapy help save a marriage?

As you might guess, that answer, in many cases, is yes.  “I really urge parents, before you separate, try and get some help first,” Gary says on the program, which you can listen to below.

Though it may be odd to have a radio program about saving marriages on a divorce attorney’s website, the truth is that (most) attorneys have hearts, too.  We realize that divorce is difficult, especially if you have children, no matter what process you choose.

And so, if your marriage is on the rocks, I would strongly recommend that you speak with someone about repairing the marriage, and you can find psychologists, social workers, licensed mental health counselors, and marriage and family therapists from Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Sarasota, and Manatee counties at the following link:

If, however, you have attempted therapy and your marriage truly is irretrievably broken, then I would urge you both to consider utilizing the collaborative divorce process, a private, non-adversarial method to dissolve your marriage.

Though I can only represent one party to a divorce, I provide a discount on my consultation fee to those spouses who want to come in together to learn about their divorce process options.  I do this because I have found that if spouses begin the divorce process together, they have a much better chance of ending their marriage with respect, dignity, and the ability to co-parent together.

If you would like to learn about collaborative divorce and other options in Tampa Bay, schedule a consultation with Family Diplomacy: A Collaborative Law Firm at (813) 443-0615 or by filling out our contact form.

Adam B. Cordover now practices exclusively in out-of-court dispute resolution.  He is president of Next Generation Divorce, Florida’s largest network of attorneys, mental health professionals, and financial professionals dedicated to helping families via the collaborative process.  Adam is also on the Research Committee of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals.

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