Pensacola Introductory & Advanced Collaborative Training November 2-4

Did you know that there was a major change to Chapter 61 of the Florida Statutes regarding Collaborative Family Law?  Are you confident that you can competently abide by Florida’s new Collaborative Law Rule of Professional Conduct and Rule of Procedure?  Or do you just want to learn how to help people divorce in a less stressful, more respectful, and child-centered manner?

Attorneys, mental health professionals, financial professionals, mediators, and others are welcomed to Pensacola for an Introductory and Advanced training on Interdisciplinary Collaborative Family Law!



  • Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Training – November 2-3, 2017
  • Enrolling the Collaborative Case Advanced Training – November 4, 2017

Where:  Pensacola, Florida


  • $500 for 2-Day Introductory Training
  • $200 for Advanced Training (Enrolling the Collaborative Case)
  • Discounted rate of $650 for all 3 days

Host:  West Florida Collaborative Law, Inc.

Trainers:  Tampa Bay Collaborative Trainers

Learn more: Contact John Susko, Esq. at OR Joshua Jones, Esq., at



Description of Introductory Training:

 What would it feel like to help clients divorce peacefully, privately, and with dignity?  Wouldn’t it be great to consistently work with professionals whom you know, trust, like, and respect?  Learn how to offer Collaborative services and get involved in your Collaborative Law community in this highly engaging two-day Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Family Law training.  This course is intended for attorneys, mental health professionals, financial professionals, mediators, and others who believe there is a better way to help clients through difficult times.

 At our two-day Introductory Training, participants will do the following:

-Learn how and why collaborative practice was developed

-Discover the essential paradigm shift that allows collaborative professionals to succeed

-Review the Uniform Collaborative Law Act or jurisdiction-specific statutes/rules

-Explore and enhance option development techniques

-Identify the distinction between interest-based discussion and positional bargaining

-Obtain a step-by-step guide on how a collaborative case typically proceeds

-Participate in discipline-specific break-outs and Q & A sessions

-Engage in a discussion on collaborative practice and professional ethics

-Exchange ideas on marketing to foster the development of a collaborative practice

-Learn how to grow and re-energize your local collaborative community

This training meets and exceeds the IACP Minimum Standards for an Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Training and the Introductory Training requirement most collaborative practice groups have to become a member.


Description of Enrolling the Collaborative Case Advanced Training:

Do you want more collaborative cases?  It all starts in the initial client meeting.  Uncover the unconscious biases that may be preventing you from signing more collaborative clients.  Learn cutting edge techniques for the initial consultation.  Explore how not only attorneys, but also mental health professionals and financial professionals can become collaborative case generators.   Become a collaborative rainmaker!

At our Advanced Training, participants will do the following:

-Learn innovative tools for conducting a client-focused initial consultation

-Gain skills for maximizing their success of helping clients choose the collaborative process

-Identify their own judgments or biases which may be interfering with their ability to enroll a collaborative case


Meet the Trainers

Each member of the Tampa Bay Collaborative Trainers has been a leader in Tampa Bay or adjacent locales and beyond and integral in the tremendous growth of the local and statewide collaborative community.  Each meets and exceeds the IACP Minimum Standards for collaborative trainers.

Adam B. Cordover, J.D., M.A.

2015 Cordover Picture SquareAdam B. Cordover, J.D., M.A., is a collaborative attorney, trainer, and Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator who practices exclusively in private dispute resolution in Tampa, Florida.  Adam is the Immediate Past President of Next Generation Divorce, Florida’s largest collaborative practice group, and a graduate of the Leadership Academy of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. Adam is co-author with Forrest (Woody) Mosten of an upcoming American Bar Association Book on “Building A Profitable & Successful Collaborative Law Practice.”

CLICK HERE to View Adam’s Curriculum Vitae


 Kristin E. DiMeo, CPA, ABV

Kristin Headshot

Kristin E. DiMeo, CPA, ABV, has served as the Financial Neutral in over 75 collaborative family law matters in the Tampa Bay area. She is the immediate past Co-Chair of the Tampa Bay Academy of Collaborative Professionals, past Co-Chair of the Collaborative Law Section of the Hillsborough County Bar Association and is a member of Next Generation Divorce.



CLICK HERE to View Kristin’s Curriculum Vitae


Jeremy S. Gaies, Psy.D.

Dr. J. Gaies photoJeremy S. Gaies, Psy.D., is a licensed psychologist and certified mediator who specializes in helping divorcing families pursue peaceful solutions. Dr. Gaies has played a leadership role in advancing the collaborative movement at the local, state, and national level, and is a member of the Tampa Bay Academy of Collaborative Professionals and Next Generation Divorce. Dr. Gaies is also the co-author of “Mindful Co-Parenting: A Child-Friendly Path Through Divorce” and a national speaker on divorce-related parenting matters.


CLICK HERE to View Jeremy’s Curriculum Vitae


Barbara E. Kelly, Ph.D.

 Dr. Kelly is a licensed psychologist and certified family mediator who has been working in the collaborative model for the past ten years.  She brings her experience with the international collaborative community and working with interdisciplinary collaborative teams to her training of other collaborative practitioners.  She has provided introductory and advanced collaborative trainings locally, nationally, and internationally.



CLICK HERE to View Barbara’s Curriculum Vitae


J. David Harper, CPA, ABV, PFS, CFF, CBA, CVA

DH Headshot

David Harper, CPA, ABV, PFS, CFF, CBA, CVA is a leading member of Next Generation Divorce and Tampa Bay Academy of Collaborative Professionals. He is a contributing author for Adam Cordover’s and Forrest (Woody) Mosten’s upcoming book Building a Profitable & Successful Collaborative Law Practice.  He has extensive experience serving as financial neutral in collaborative divorce matters as well as joint expert in other family law cases and has presented on a wide range of financial topics including collaborative law, family law financial procedures, business valuation and executive compensation.

CLICK HERE to View David’s Curriculum Vitae