Video: Financial Planner Recommends Collaborative Divorce

Resolving Disputes Respectfully

Collaborative Practice

For quite some time, attorneys and mental health professionals have been striving to let the public know that there is a better way to dissolve a marriage:  collaborative divorce.  Parents do not need to put their children through the horrors of a courtroom custody battle.  They can enter into the collaborative process and make decisions in a non-adversarial, private environment where they have the support they need.

Now financial planners are also extolling the benefits of the collaborative process.  In the short video below, Justin Reckers, a Certified Financial Planner and CEO of Wellspring Divorce Advisors discusses the collaborative divorce process.


Here is a partial transcript:

Collaborative divorce is a divorce process that offers couples a safe place and the access to a full team of professionals, including legal, financial, and mental health professionals to guide them through the negotiations to dissolve their marriage.

The key tenant to collaborative divorce is that the parties and their professional team agree at the very beginning that they will never take their issues to court.  If they should walk inside a courtroom or file any sort of court paperwork, the team removes themselves and the collaborative process is ended.  It provides teeth.  It provides a little bit of extra skin in the game so that couples stick with their original agreement that they will make their own decisions and avoid having a court make the decisions for them.

If you are going through divorce, make sure you understand all of your options.  And make sure that you speak with someone about the option of collaborative divorce.  Your children and your wallet one day might just thank you.

Adam B. Cordover is a leading collaborative professional and teaches attorneys, psychologists, counselors, accountants, and financial planners how to help families via the collaborative process.