General information on dissolution of marriage

Filing Fees in Hillsborough County

For most types of family law actions, a party needs to pay a fee to the clerk of the court when he or she files a petition.  Current filing fees for the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit (Hillsborough County) for common family law matters are as follows:

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Video: Uninterrupted Divorce- Brian

In the following episode of Uninterrupted Divorce, a teenager provides advice to both children and parents who are experiencing high-conflict divorces in their family:

Video: Uninterrupted Divorce- Tommy

The series Uninterrupted Divorce continues in this episode, which discusses time-sharing schedules from a teenager’s perspective:

Hillsborough County’s East Division

When filing a family law case in Hillsborough County, one thing to keep in mind is that there are two courthouse divisions in which your case may be heard:  (i) the Tampa Division, located at the Edgecomb Courthouse in Downtown Tampa; and (ii)  the East Division, located at the Plant City Courthouse. So how do you know to which division your case will be assigned?

Edgecomb Courthouse

Plant City Courthouse

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Video: Uninterrupted Divorce- Savannah

Parents going through divorce should keep in mind the effect that their actions and words have on their children.  In this episode of Uninterrupted Divorce, teen Savannah discusses her experiences:

(video appears after the jump)

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Video: Uninterrupted Divorce- J. Anthony

The powerful series Uninterrupted Divorce by continues with comments from teen “J. Anthony.”

(video appears after the jump)

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Video: Uninterrupted Divorce

I just came across a series of fantastic short videos entitled Divorce Uninterrupted that provides teens a platform to express their views and give advice to parents and other teens who are experiencing a divorce in their family.  The series is produced by, whose mission statement is as follows:

We believe that media can empower youth, showcase their brilliance and individuality, and extend a positive message to teens and adults alike. is dedicated to teens and parents and provides a safe space for communication, daily inspiration, and overall support.

Feel free to view the first episode after the jump.

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Co-Parenting Tips

Dr. Jennifer Hartstein, a child and adolescent psychologist, provides the following tips for co-parenting after divorce (from CBS News):

1. Be respectful: Don’t disparage one another: treat one another with respect and demonstrate positive conflict resolution. Don’t act out your hurt and anger on your children, or talk about your negative feelings toward the other parent around your children. It could promote resentment within your child.

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Local Judge Recipient of “Making A Difference” Award

The Honorable Emily A. Peacock

The Honorable Emily A. Peacock of Florida’s Thirteenth Judicial Circuit (Hillsborough County) has been selected by The Florida Bar’s Family Law Section to receive its “Making a Difference” Award for January 2011:

The Family Law Section of the Florida Bar is pleased to congratulate Judge Peacock, and it thanks her for her past and continued efforts on behalf of the children and families of Florida.

Emily A. Peacock has been admitted to practice law in Florida for approximately 30 years. Born and raised in Tampa, Florida, Judge Peacock attended Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, and she received her Bachelor of Arts Degree from the school in 1978.  While she was a student at the University, in addition to her various student activities and employment, she volunteered at the Nashville Veterans Administration Hospital.  She then went on to receive her Juris Doctorate from Stetson University College of Law in 1980.

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Special Issues in Military Divorce

If you are in a family law matter involving a servicemember, you will encounter some unique issues to which you must pay special attention.

Residency Requirement

Generally, one party to a divorce must have been a resident of Florida for at least six months prior to filing.  However, there is an exception for servicemembers.  A servicemember (or his or her spouse) who is not currently in Florida may petition for divorce in Florida if he or she (i) was a Florida resident prior to entering the military and (ii) never established a permanent residence elsewhere.  Even if the military member had not lived in Florida prior to entering the service, he or she may still be able to file for divorce in Florida if he or she is deployed but has an intent to remain a permanent Florida resident.  Such intent may be evidenced by the following: (i) Florida voter registration; (ii) ownership of a Florida home; or (iii) registration of a vehicle in Florida.

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

Many of the military issues in a divorce stem from the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (the “SCRA”).  The SCRA was signed into law in 2003 and updated and replaced the Soldiers and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of 1940.  Most provisions of the SCRA apply to the following people on active duty:  (i) members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guards; (ii) members of the National Guard; and (iii) commissioned officers of the Public Health Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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