Tampa Bay Business Journal Article Discusses Collaborative Divorce In Hillsborough County
The Tampa Bay Business Journal recently published an article (subscription required) on the new collaborative divorce administrative order that went into effect for Hillsborough County. I was honored to be interviewed for the article, which included some of the following quotes:
“‘It’s pretty new in the Tampa area,’ said Adam Cordover, a family law practitioner and Collaborative Divorce Institute of Tampa Bay board member. ‘The courts are so backed up, the judge(s) are on board with an alternative to contested divorces.’
A key in the collaborative divorce process is the required formal participating agreement…[which] stipulates that if the process comes to an impasse and goes to litigation, the lawyers must withdraw and new ones hired.
‘Since their attorneys can’t go to court, the parties are more open to ideas and suggestions,’ said Cordover, a member of the task force that helped draft the judge’s administrative order. ‘They know the attorneys are not preparing and gathering information for trial.'”
If you want to learn more about how the collaborative family law model can help your situation, schedule a consultation with a trained collaborative attorney by calling The Law Firm of Adam B. Cordover, P.A., at (813) 443-0615 or filling out our contact form.
Yes, you are absolutely right that sometimes attorneys doesn’t take interest in their divorce case and the new collaborative divorce administrative order will help those people who faces that condition.
This idea is nice rather than hiring divorce attorneys whom could definitely annoy each party. It would be better that both parties will undergo this collaboration first before settling all in the court.
more info – http://www.aswdlaw.com/practice-groups/private-client-group/domestic-relations/