Collaborative Training for Family Law Staff
When a potential client calls your firm, who is the first person with whom she speaks? When a potential clients arrives at your office, who is the first person that he sees? If you are a collaboratively-trained attorney, mental health professional, financial professional, or mediator, there is a good chance that your staff is the first voice that a potential client hears, the first face that a potential client sees.
How is that staff member representing you? Is that first interaction being used as an opportunity to familiarize the client with the term “collaborative practice?”
Those first interactions are but one of the many different skills that a friend and mentor of mine, Joryn Jenkins, will discuss in her unique collaborative training geared towards professional staff.
The training will take place in Tampa, Florida, on January 22, and it will also be streamed live for professional staff that is outside of the area.
You can register and find out more at this link.
Below is more information from Joryn:
I’m pleased to offer the World’s First Ever Collaborative Staff Training, Open for Business, Managing Your Collaborative Practice for Passion & Profit. Why am I doing this? As my services and my clients became more collaborative, it became apparent that my office and my staff were still in “litigation mode.” When I looked for a training to rectify that, I realized that there was no one out there offering to bring our staffs up to speed with this wonderful new opportunity for our clients. So here it is; join us in person or livestream and let’s make history together!
Who: This training is intended for collaborative divorce support staff; however, professionals in small office venues may choose to attend, as well.
Cost: Before December 31st: $299 per person / $225 for second & additional person(s) from same office Fee increases to $325 / $250 on January 1st. (includes lunch and all materials; however, it does not include lodging or additional meals)
Paralegal continuing education hours are being applied for.
And if you are a potential client, and you would like to learn about collaborative divorce, schedule a consultation with Family Diplomacy: A Collaborative Law Firm, at (813) 443-0615 or fill out our contact form.
Adam B. Cordover now practices exclusively in out-of-court dispute resolution, with a focus on collaborative divorce and family law, mediation, direct negotiations, and unbundled legal services. Adam B. Cordover is co-author, with Forrest (Woody) Mosten, of an upcoming American Bar Association publication on building a collaborative practice, and he is Immediate Past President of Florida’s largest collaborative practice group, Next Generation Divorce.
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