How Are Medical School Student Loans Handled In a Florida Divorce?

When you’re facing a divorce in Florida, one of the complex financial issues you might encounter is how to handle student loans, particularly medical school student loans. These debts can be substantial, often amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it’s natural to wonder how they will be treated during the divorce process. Understanding your options and rights is crucial, especially if you and your spouse are seeking a Collaborative Divorce, which focuses on finding amicable solutions privately rather than through a public divorce court battle.

Understanding Marital vs. Non-Marital Debt – Med School Loans

In Florida, the law distinguishes between marital and non-marital assets and debts. Marital debts are those incurred during the marriage, regardless of whose name they are in or who incurred them. Non-marital debts, on the other hand, are typically those incurred before the marriage or after the date of separation.

If you took out medical school loans before you were married, these debts are generally considered non-marital, meaning you would be solely responsible for them. However, if you took out the loans during the marriage, things get a bit more complicated.

Medical School Student Loans as Marital Debt

If your medical school student loans were taken out during your marriage, they will be considered marital debt. This means that both you and your spouse could be responsible for repaying them, even if it was taken out in only one spouse’s name.  If some student loans were taken out prior to the marriage and other medical school debt was taken out during the marriage, then some loans will likely be considered non-marital and other med school loans will be considered marital. In a traditional divorce, this could lead to a lengthy and contentious battle, especially if the loans are significant.  More commonly, especially in a Collaborative Divorce, only one spouse ends up taking responsibility for paying off the marital portion of the loans, while they also typically get something in return to offset the debt.  Alternatively, the other spouse may take on a different set of debts as an offset.

In a Collaborative Divorce, you and your spouse have the opportunity to work together to find a fair and equitable solution. The Collaborative Process encourages open communication and cooperation, allowing both of you to express your concerns and preferences.

At the end of the day, a court will likely order, and most divorcing spouses agree on, an equal distribution of your family’s marital net worth.  So, for example, if your family has a total of $3 million in marital assets and $1 million in marital debts, equaling a net marital estate of $2 million, then likely each of you will end up with around a net worth of $1 million from the marital estate (though most people agree to an equal distribution of your marital assets/debts, you can also agree to an unequal distribution if it makes sense for your family or as an alternative to alimony).  For this reason, when determining how you are going to split your assets and debts, it is important to look at not just one debt, like medical school student loans, but at your family’s full financial picture.

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How We Review Your Prenuptial Or Postnuptial Agreement With You

Your fiancé or spouse’s lawyer has provided you with a prenuptial agreement or postnuptial agreement, and it is a behemoth.  It is common for these documents to be 30 to 60 pages of dense “legalese,” sometimes with hundreds or thousands of pages of additional financial disclosure.  Don’t just sign the agreement without understanding it!  It can have a significant impact on your rights in the event of divorce or the death of your spouse.  Further, these documents are rarely “take it or leave it,” and you can negotiate terms that address your needs.

This post discusses how we review and negotiate prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements for our clients.

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Divorce: Is Bitcoin a Marital Asset?

Bitcoin has sure been in the news a lot lately.  The cryptocurrency, though volatile, has traded at over $50,000 in recent weeks.  Billionaires have publicized opposing views about Bitcoin, with Bill Gates warning investors to stay away while Elon Musk has sung its praise.  Regardless, more people seem to be getting on the Bitcoin bandwagon, and thus it is popping up more and more in divorce matters.

In fact, you may be wondering: Is Bitcoin a marital asset for purposes of divorce?

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Protecting Your Tampa Bay Business With A Prenuptial Agreement

Under Florida divorce law, businesses are subject to equitable distribution.  This essentially means that it can be considered a marital asset that is divided as part of the resolution of all divorce-related issues.

Small-business owners, who have shed blood, sweat, and tears for their endeavor, find it surprising and frightening that a business might be divided in divorce.  Further, this can be disruptive to the spouse of the small business owner; if the business begins failing due to protracted fighting or litigation, the spouse’s ability to receive alimony or child support is greatly reduced.

Protecting Your Small Business

One way to protect a business from the fallout of divorce is to enter into a prenuptial agreement or, if you are already married, into a postnuptial agreement.

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