Advanced Collaborative Training: Cutting Edge Collaborative Practices (Erie, PA)
Cutting Edge Collaborative Practices
“Sharpening Your Skills From Initial Consult to Case Debrief”
May 4 and May 5, 2017 | 9am – 4pm | Erie, PA

There are communities around the world in which Collaborative Practice has been embraced by professionals and clients. One of the common elements that tie these communities together is that quality Collaborative Practitioners are never satisfied with what they know or how they apply the Collaborative Model. In this highly interactive training, learn Collaborative strategies and techniques that have been successfully implemented in communities around the U.S. and Canada. Practice leading edge methods to strengthen your Teams, provide effective feedback, and address conflict before it arises. Explore innovative techniques to help clients choose the Collaborative Process, and take the steps to build a Collaborative Practice.
Continental breakfast, light snacks, and beverages are included for each day. Social (with light snacks) to follow on Friday after the training.
Registration Fee:
$475.00 Register by Monday April 3.
Erie Yacht Club
1 Ravine Drive,
Erie, PA 16505
Adam B. Cordover, Esq., Tampa, FL
Brian Galbraith, Esq., Barrie, ON, CAN
Kevin Scudder, Esq., Seattle, WA
Melissa Sulkowski, M.A., L.P.C., Erie, PA
Special Guest Forrest “Woody” Mosten
Participating via Skype
Trainers are all IACP Leadership Academy Graduates and Founding Members of the Peacemaking Practice Trainers
Each Trainer Exceeds IACP Trainer Standards
See Below for information on Continuing Education Credits
Sponsored by Collaborative Professionals of Northwest PA (
Please direct any questions to Holly Kallay. (814) 455-1301 or
About the Trainers
Mr. Mosten has been honored by the ABA, LA County Bar Association, Beverly Hills Bar Association and trains mediators and collaborative professionals worldwide. The LA Daily Journal, LA Times, NY Times, USA Today, ABA Journal, LA Daily News, Chicago Tribune, the Wall Street Journal, Town & Country and
other publications all over the world have covered his pioneering work in mediation and unbundling. Forrest S. Mosten has been in private mediation practice since 1979. Mr. Mosten is in constant demand as a master trainer for basic courses, advanced courses, individual supervision for practicing mediators, conflict resolution professionals, and training other conflict resolution trainers. He is popular presenter at conferences throughout the world.
In addition to his work as a neutral, Mr. Mosten maintains an active practice as a family lawyer representing clients in divorce, pre-marital agreements, and complex issues in property, support, and parenting issues after divorce. The California State Bar has recognized Mr. Mosten as a Certified Family Law Specialist. Mr. Mosten does not accept engagements that involve court appearances. He practices with a collaborative and problem solving model and has trained Collaborative Lawyers throughout the world and serves as a negotiation and mediation consultant for other family litigators. Mr. Mosten has been named Super Lawyer by Los Angeles Lawyer Magazine and as one of the top 25 Family Mediators in California by the Los Angeles Daily Journal.
Mr. Mosten has been given two major awards by the American Bar Association: A Lifetime Achievement Award for Innovations in Legal Access by the ABA Section of Delivery of Legal Services; and the Lawyer as Problem Solver Award by the ABA Section on Dispute Resolution.