Mosten & Cordover ABA Book Available in August
It is almost here! Forrest “Woody” Mosten and Adam B. Cordover’s “Building A Successful Collaborative Family Law Practice,” a compendium of practical tools from experts in the field, will be published by the American Bar Association Family Law Section in August 2018.
This has been a nearly 3-year project that was sparked when Adam attended a Tampa course taught by Woody in 2015 on “How to Build a Profitable and Satisfying Collaborative and Mediation Practice.” Woody’s course provided Adam with the tools to create an exclusively private dispute resolution, non-litigation family law practice. This allowed Adam not only to feel confident in offering clients a better way through divorce and other family law issues, but also gave him the ability to chart his own path without the high stress associated with family law court battles.
It is with that in mind that Woody and Adam have gathered experienced practitioners to provide practical tools on how professionals can make collaborative practice and peacemaking work their day job.
Below is the Table of Contents from the book:
By Forrest S. Mosten and Adam B. Cordover
Family Law Section of the American Bar Association
Foreword by Nancy Cameron
Introduction by Forrest (Woody) Mosten
Introduction by Adam B. Cordover
Editor Acknowledgments
Prologue Forrest S. Mosten and Adam B. Cordover, Making Collaborative and Non-Court Practice Your Day Job
Chapter 1 David Hoffman, Lawyers as Peacemakers. Really?!? Yes, Really.
Chapter 2 Robert Merlin, How Collaborative Practice Will Improve Your Profitability
Chapter 3 Kevin Scudder, Redefining Your Practice Signature and Creating a Profitable Peacemaking Practice
Chapter 4 carl Michael rossi, How Many Hats Can You Wear? Assessing Whether You Can Be a Collaborative Professional and Still Litigate
Chapter 5 Rich Grof, Being A Client Leader: The Art of Gaining New Collaborative Clients
Chapter 6 Gary Direnfeld, Effectively Marketing Your Collaborative Practice
Chapter 7 Zanita Zacks-Gabriel, Creating Collaborative Office Space
Chapter 8 Brian Galbraith, Integrating Technology Into Your Collaborative Practice
Chapter 9 Enid Miller Ponn, Getting Buy-In for a Collaborative Approach from the Other Spouse and Attorney
Chapter 10 Bev Churchill, The First Client Meeting: Gateway to a Collaborative Case
Chapter 11 Jeremy Gaies, Gaining Success at the First Joint Collaborative Meeting
Chapter 12 Lara Traum, Fine-Tuning Your Collaborative Team
Chapter 13 Ronald D. Ousky, Developing a Range of Collaborative Models: One Size Does Not Fit All
Chapter 14 Elizabeth Potter Scully, Mediation and Collaboration: Harnessing Potential Synergy
Chapter 15 J. David Harper, Traits and Skills of a Highly Effective Financial Neutral
Chapter 16 Kathleen Zumpano, Collaborative Child Specialists: Traditional and Expanded Roles
Chapter 17 Nancy Retsinas and Susan Buniva (with Melissa Sulkowski), Using Behavioral Health Professionals in Family Law
Chapter 18 Dennis Lerner, Collaborative Marriage Planning
Chapter 19 Kimberly Stamatelos, Modifying Existing Agreements with a Collaborative Approach
Chapter 20 Michael V. Fancher, Avoiding and Handling Termination of the Collaborative Process
Chapter 21 Sherrie R. Abney, Civil Collaborative Practice: The New Way to Do Business
Chapter 22 Brian Galbraith, Collaborative Practice as a Business
Conclusion Forrest S. Mosten and Adam B. Cordover, Next Steps to Develop Your Collaborative Practice
List of Resources
Stay tuned for mid-July when the book will be available for pre-order.